Appendix D — Test Run Flow

D.1 The problem

Common Test Conduct Errors:

  • Omitted or improperly timed communication
  • Poor transitions between test runs


A causal factor in both successful and error-prone test conduct is the understanding (or misunderstanding) of where and when critical phases of a test run begin and end.

Which begs the question, what ARE the “critical phases of a test run”?

Figure D.1: Structured Approach to Test Point Flow

D.2 A Test Point

Figure D.2: A Quantum of Test

The smallest unit of flight test comprised of a beginning, a middle, and an end.

D.3 Maneuver

Figure D.3: Where The Data Live

The actions of the operator and the system that generate data to support a test objective

D.4 Setup

Figure D.4: Preparation for Test

The actions of the operator and the system that establish the conditions for a successful Maneuver, including geometry, geography, system state, etc.

D.5 Recover

Figure D.5: Return to Normal Operations

The actions of the operator and the system that safely allow resumption of “normal” operations.

D.6 Admin

Figure D.6: A Change of State

The actions of the operator and the system before the test, between test runs, or after the test.

D.7 Transitions

Figure D.7: “Pauses”

The gates from one critical phase to the next that establish the cadence of the test.

D.8 The structure approach

For each test run, the test team

  • defines the contents of each critical phase,
  • determines entry and exit criteria through the transitions,
  • creates a communications plan to support the transitions, and
  • creates mission materials to assist in test conduct

D.9 Application to test card creation

Figure D.8: Top to Bottom Test Point Flow on Test Card

Each test card reflects the critical phases of the test run under consideration.

Figure D.9: Multiple Test Points on a Single Test Card

Multiple test runs can be put on a single page! The recover/admin/setup phases between each run are explicitly included, instead of just a string of Maneuver phases.

D.10 Application to Comm Plan

Figure D.10: Exit and Entry Criteria

  1. Test: “Ready for next run”
  2. Control: “Cleared to [condition/configuration]”
  3. Test: “On conditions”
  4. Control: “Cleared to maneuver”
  5. Test or Control: “Maneuver complete/Recover(ing)”
  6. Control: “Cleared to [condition/configuration]”
  7. Test: “On conditions/Configuration complete/Recovered”
  8. Control: “Point complete. Next run is X at Y”
  • Odd = Exit
  • Even = Entry
  • The Key to Success:
    • The test team defines the content and duration of each critical phase and
    • identifies exit and entry criteria for the transitions between phases